-- Download Loitr and visit www.loitr.in for a demo of the app. --
Carrying so many loginids and passwords in your head, and those plastic cards in your wallet is getting increasingly inconvenient.
Loitr is a service employing a patent-filed technology that lets you login to websites in a way that doesnt require you to remember or type anything. You can also have all your loyalty cards on your phone. Even the one you bought in high school. Its that simple and easy to use.
Loitr doesnt store any loginid, password or any personally identifiable information on your phone or Loitr servers because Loitr IS NOT a password storing utility. This makes Loitr a more secure identity and authentication method than all other prevalent methods.
Even in the case that your phone is lost or stolen, you can be sure that no one will retrieve anything to risk any of your online accounts. You can instantly block the app on your phone by visiting loitr.in, get a new app on a new phone and have all your accounts back.